Prado Matrix room
February 5, 2025
After some silence, here's a status update on Prado
Last year saw no new releases: development has slowed down a bit since version 4.3.0, which still works fine on recent PHP versions, and no critical bugs have been found in it.
Now things have started moving again, so expect a new release sometime later this year.
In the meantime, a new chat room has been created on the Matrix network to connect Prado developers. You can join the room at You are welcome to join and chat with us.
Happy chatting!
The PRADO Group
Prado 4.3.0 has been released!
October 26, 2023
This new release introduces a lot of new features and compatibility changes baked during the last year.
The required minimum Php version has been raised to 8.1; if you're still running php 7.x you should really consider upgrading, but in the meanwhile Prado 4.2.x will keep serving you well.
A big thank to @belisoful that worked hard to consolidate two basic aspects of prado: data type classes (TList/TMap/...) and behaviors, and also found the time to add some new goodies like an integrated PHP Web Server Action for built-in app development.
As always, before upgrading you may want to have a read at to see what has changed in details and to check if your application needs any modification to run on this new Prado version.
Happy coding!
The PRADO Group
Prado 4.2.2 is available!
April 6, 2023
This is mainly a bug-fix and compatibility release.
The minimum required PHP version has been raised from 7.3 to 7.4. While this should be a simple update, please remember that PHP 7 is EOL (end of life), so you should consider upgrading to PHP 8.x as soon as possible.
For this reason this would probably be the last Prado version supporting PHP 7, as new development will only target PHP 8 from now on.
Many thanks to all the developers who contributed to this release, in particular we'd like to thank @belisoful for his continuous effort in implementing new features and keeping them updated.
Users are advised to update from 4.2.1, as it should require no code changes.
Happy coding!
The PRADO Group
Prado 4.2.1 is available!
May 9, 2022
This is mainly a bug-fix and compatibility release.
Support for using active controls on PHP 7.3 has been restored, even if you should probably consider upgrading to a more recent PHP version.
A severe bug was found when using custom authorization rules, and this one has been corrected, too.
Users are advised to update from 4.2.0, as it should require no code changes.
Happy coding!
The PRADO Group
Prado 4.2.0 has been released!
April 19, 2022
This new release introduces a lot of new features and compatibility changes baked during the last year.
The required minimum Php version has been raised to 7.3, and supports Php up to version 8.1.
A big thank to @belisoful that reworked some of the core code to introduce most of the new features, just to name a few:
- TPermissionsManager, implements Role Based Access Control and Authorization Rules for each permission #790
- TCronModule and TDbCronModule, scheduler like linux cron schedule expression #761
- TPluginModule/TDbPluginModule, Integrate Composer extensions for PRADO #743
- TDbParameterModule for reading and setting application parameters with a database-table #771
- Complete rewrite of Prado-CLI #765, #783
Also, the behavior / event system got a big overhaul, with the addition of new classes to manage behaviors (TBehaviorsModule, TBehaviorParameterLoader #741), the creation of a set of builtin behaviors and more fixes and enhancements all around.
As always, before upgrading you may want to have a read at to see what has changed in details and to check if your application needs any modification to run on this new Prado version.
Happy coding!
The PRADO Group
Prado 4.1.2 is released
August 24, 2021
Prado 4.1.2 is available!
This is mainly a bug-fix and compatibility release, containing misc fixes for running Prado on Php 7.4 and initial support for Php 8.0.
You should find no regression upgrading to this version if you are already running Prado 4.1.0 or 4.1.1.
If you feel brave, you can also check out the recently released 4.2.0-alpha1 version, that includes a big rework of the core code to add a gazillion new features introduced by @belisoful.
As always, before upgrading you may want to have a read at the instructions to check what has changed in details.
Happy coding!
The PRADO Group
Prado 4.1.1 is released
March 27, 2020
Prado 4.1.1 is available!
This is mainly a bug-fix and compatibility release, and it add support for running Prado applications using Php 7.4.
Some work has been made to modernize the code, removing the usage of tags and attributes not officially supported in html5; this resulted in the deprecation of a few methods, where newer alternatives are now available.
As always, before upgrading you may want to have a read at the instructions to check what has changed in details.
Happy coding!
The PRADO Group
Prado 4.1.0 is released
November 18, 2019
Prado 4.1.0 is available!
This release is 100% compatible with existing code running on Prado 4.0.x, and a few minor fixes are included aswell.
The biggest change in this new version is that it requires at least Php 7.1 in order to run; later versions are supported and tested aswell.
If you're still running applications based on Php 5, you should really consider upgrading. Php 5 is officially
out of support since an year ago, and Php 7 is a really solid upgrade in terms of speed and features.
As always, before upgrading you may want to have a read at the instructions to check what has changed in details.
Happy coding!
The PRADO Group